
2022-04-15 13:43


Oil free vacuum pump is a good choice for people who need pure and environmentally friendly vacuum space in industrialized society. The pharmaceutical industry depends on the continuous development of biotechnology. The products developed by biotechnology are widely used in medicine and are of great significance in the treatment of diseases.


Because drugs are closely related to people's health, the treatment of diseases must rely on drugs, so the safety of drugs is very important. Biology has high requirements for the production environment and technical level, and the low-temperature and dry production environment must meet the requirements.


The application of vacuum drying and freezing technology in biopharmaceutical can not only meet the requirements of biopharmaceutical production environment, but also play an important role in the preservation of biopharmaceutical. Therefore, the application of oil-free vacuum pump in biopharmaceutical industry is of great significance, which greatly promotes the development of biopharmaceutical industry.


Pharmaceutical technology plays an important role in medicine and can be used to produce scarce drugs. In biopharmaceuticals, vacuum freeze-drying technology will also be used to preserve drugs for a long time so that their internal structure will not change.

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